We’re dreaming of a white Christmas and part of that is the promise that snowflakes will fall. Today Witty Hoots joins us for Story Book Advent sharing an activity to do as a family for the book Snowflakes by Cerrie Burnell (from Cbeebies) and illustrated by Laura Ellen Anderson. Snowflakes is a story with a moral. A young girl Mia leaves the city to live with her Grandma Mitzi and feels different, and alone. As the story progresses Mia discovers that it is OK to be different as everyone is different just like snowflakes.
Helen from Witty Hoots shares a delicious looking snowflake cookie recipe to make together this Christmas. With each snowflake cookie looking different she extends the story and encourages you to talk about the differences between people and relate them to snowflakes and the cookies how although they are all the same cookie mix because each is decorated slightly differently they are all unique. Click through to find the full recipe and instructions on making Snowflake gingerbread Cookies.
Story Book Advent is running from 1st December through to 24th December sharing 1 or 2 Christmas Books a day bringing them alive with crafts, learning and activities. Don’t worry if you don’t have the books each of the activities is ideal to do counting down to Christmas with the family and if the book takes your fancy look for it for next year to add to your Christmas Reading.
Day 1 – The Snowman
Day 2 – The Nutcracker
Day 3 – The Gingerbread Man
Day 4 – Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Day 5 – Aliens Love Panta Claus and Merry Christmas Curious George
Day 6 – Christmas in the Big Wood
Day 7 – Forever
Day 8 – Can you see what I see? Night before Christmas
Day 9 – Winter is for snow
Day 10 – Three Snow Bears and The Mitten
Day 11 – Dream Snow
Day 12 – Song of the Star, a Christmas story
Day 13 – Suzy Goose and the Christmas Star
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